Vanity Fair Magazinelast page is the Proust Questionnaire.... a set of questions credited to the French writer Marcel Proust. It has become a standard starting point often used by modern interviewers. Its origins go back to a form of a Victorian Parlour Game, popular at the time, and answered in a confessional tone. I find two questions most interesting. What is your idea of perfect happiness? and What is your motto? I hope you do too....
Audra McDonald - September 2023 Happiness - Being at home on a Sunday night with my husband. Will, and all of our children, eating chicken tikka masala and naan from our favorite restaurant. Motto - Dream big, love bigger, eat a cookie. Colson Whitehead - July/August 2023 Happiness - I'm walking down the street angrily muttering to myself and then I run into a neighbor or former coworker and they catch me in this moment of private-public expression. It's nice to be seen sometimes. Sir Elton John - June 2023 Happiness - Being with my husband, David, and the boys. Motto - Never look back. Judy Blume - May 2023 Happiness - A balmy, moonlit evening in Key West. George and I are enjoying a pasta dinner on a balcony overlooking the ocean. Ella Fitzgerald is singing in the background. Bob Mackie - April 2023 Happiness - A great entrance-making outfit, where everyone oohs and aahs! Motto - Invest in a full-length mirror and take a good look! George Saunders - February 2023 Happiness - Being aware and accepting of whatever the state of mind happens to be at the moment (even if that state is unhappy.) Motto - Look out, Vanity Fair is after you. Bill Nighy - Hollywood 2023 Happiness - On a train at night in a rainstorm. Motto - Stay loose. Michelle Yeoh - July/August 2022 Happiness - Being with my family and kids, on an island, eating and drinking. Motto - Be kind to self, and all be kind. Daniel Radcliff - Happiness - Eating breakfast foods at a time of the day other than breakfast. Pancakes for dinner—I’m happy. David Bowie - Happiness - Reading Joan Didion -